Saturday, January 30, 2010

Kidcast 62: Some thoughts on Podcasting

Dan Schmit starts of the podcast by saying he does not like it when teachers refer to video pod casting as "Vodcasting". He expresses that two are similar but quite different. In some ways, a video podcast takes more technological skills than a podcast. Audio podcasting still might be the best choice for some podcasters. Its definitely safer than a video podcasting. Audio podcasting makes the students use more descriptive words for their podcast.

KidCast: FETC Teachers Present: The Podship Huskerprise

I found this Podcast to be very entertaining. It takes you through on how to subscribe to their podcast on itunes. I am sure kids will enjoy listening to this podcast. This just proves how learning new teaching tools such as podcast can be quite fun for students. Pod casting is great way for students to express their creative side.

KidCast: episode 1

This episode is only 4:51 minutes and gives the advantages on pod casting. He explains how podcasting can be a great tool to reach out to teachers, students and parents. The reach of tools that we have now are very a effective way of learning. He also discusses how podcasts are a great way to transform your classrooms. This podcast is great for people like myself who are just starting to learn how to podcast.

KidCast: episode 4

This episode talks about a report on how we use the internet. This report centered on how teens are content creators on the internet. Over half the teens on the internet are providing their own creations online. Almost half of the teens on the internet are blogging which is related to podcasting. They are also using programs such as audacity that deal with the art of sound. He talks about how their is a fourth grade class who has started their own school news show on the internet.

Little Kids...Big Potential

These kids know more about blogging than I do. I was very impressed on how a little girl in the video clearly showed the viewers how to access their class blog. This just proves that teachers should stayed updated with learning technology. Even at an early age, these students are more comfortable with technology than I am. I thought it was really important how the young students provide positive feedback when commenting on a blog.

One year old uses iphone

I thought this video was pretty impressive. I don't have any idea even how to use an iphone. This video just proves how todays' youth are more acceptable to technology. This one year old can do more on this iphone then most people can. Kids are introduced to technology at a very early age. Teachers that use technology in the classroom should at least know just as much as todays' youth on how to use it.

Media Literacy in the First Grade

I found this video to be very educational for my benefit. I didn't even know how to blog until EDM 310. The teacher is doing an excellent job with these very young students. Kids know how to do technology at an early age which means teachers have to try to stay ahead of the students. This video just proves that teachers need to stay technologically literate.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Vision of Students Today

Its very surprising to me how the average college kid spends most of his time. Students tend to sit way back in the room away from the board. Classes are so large thats its hard for teachers to get more personal with their students. Their is statement that only 18 % of teachers know their students by name. Most textbooks students buy for school are usually never opened.

In the video, some believe that technology will save us. Although, it seems as if social networks such as facebook and cell phones, have a tendency to distract students from concentrating on their studies. The students multi task to much. Students today have to balance time more than they did back then. If students would focus less on their labtop in class and keep their attention on the teacher then their grades will improve.

"Its Not About the Technology"

I absolutely agree with Mrs. Hines. As Mrs. Hines puts it, if students have not learned then no teaching has been done. Evolution is going on in the world of teaching. Teachers should also put an effort to learn new techniques of teaching. Teachers should try to relate with the students. They should put theirself in the students shoes. Every teacher should know their students and see their point of view.

There are many types of new gadgets that can be useful in the classroom. Without the proper teaching, technology is useless. If teachers take a more creative approach, they can draw the students attention. Also, the teachers should make sure every student understands the concept of each lesson. Teachers should learn new and interesting ideas and facts about the subjects they teach. With the proper teaching on how to use technology, "the possibilities are endless."

Is It Okay To Be A Technoligically Illiterate Teacher

In this day and time, teachers have to be comfortable teaching with the use of technology. You dont have to like technology, but you need to be willing to learn this tool. The world is constantly evolving so we have to try to keep up through technology.

First we need to determine what makes a teacher technologically illiterate. If teachers want to teach through technology then they need to be able to adequately use it. If teachers do not include technology in the classroom then students will not be prepared in the world today.

Gary Hayes Social Media Counter

I think the numbers are great on this media counter. The majority of students today are always on a computer. Blogging, facebook and other networks allow more ways for teachers to teach outside the classroom. This can have a bigger impact on the younger generation. Teachers today have to be able to use these networks as an advantage to improve ways of learning.

If I am going to be a teacher one day then I have to be able to use all types of tools of learning. Blogging can make learning more personal for students. Every student learns different. Not all students can learn by listening to the teacher in the classroom. By posting your lectures online, can help the students obtain more information.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Did you know

I found the "Did you know" video to be quite informing. It was surprising to see the statistics about the number of jobs a person will have by the age of 38. In addition I learned a lot of new information. I do agree with a couple of the clips. Although, I felt that some of the information gathered was stereotypical and biased.
I do question parts of the criteria in the video. I would like to know how does anybody know that 25% of India's highest IQ makes up the total population of the United States. Indeed, nobody can tell what really happens in the future. Computers can make estimates and people can make predictions, but how can they be considered a reliable source.

Mr. Winkle Wakes

This video was very enlightening to me. Mr. Needleman clearly displays the problems that are in our public school systems. Our world is constantly evolving with technology. The school systems aren't keeping up with our technological world. Mr. Needleman gets his point across by the example of Mr. Winkle sitting in the classroom looking at the old, dusty computer.
When Mr. Winkle enters the hospital, he was amazed by the new machines. He felt out of place at the hospital. Mr. Winkle then goes to a nearby school and is comforted by how nothing seems to have changed since he was in school. According to Mr. Needleman, school systems haven't changed much over the years. The school systems should focus more on computers to keep up with up with our futuristic society.

Vicki Davis: Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts

Mrs. Vicki Davis helps students from a small town in Camilla, GA connect to the world. She does not limit her teaching just through computers. She uses many other cool gadgets. I agree with Mrs. Davis' point that students do not all learn the same way. Pen and paper have a way of limiting students.
Students get more hands-on experience by Mrs. Davis' approach. By this technique, students can learn more independently. Mrs. Davis even says that the students learn so efficient that they end up teaching her something new about the program.

Sir Ken Robinson: The Importance of Creativity

Mr. Robinson is right that schools do have a way of looking down on creativity. Teachers sometimes limit a students creativity, especially through writing. Their teaching gets very repetitive. Creativity makes a positive impact on learning.
Education has a tendency to be all about work and no play. Our school systems do not put much emphasis on a students artistic side. Creativity helps find a person's true self. Teachers should always look for new ideas that will inspire students in today's world.