Sunday, March 28, 2010

Morgan Bayda and Dan Brown video

Like Morgan, I also feel cheated by my university because of long, boring lectures. Lectures can be beneficial ,but they never seem to change. Some of my college professors put information on a power point and tell us to take notes on it. Dan brings up a great point how in schools and universities, students memorize their notes and will receive a grade on how good you memorize "facts". He says "FACTS" will not prepare you for the real world. My favorite part of the video is when he says, "education is about empowering students to change the world for the better." Morgan and Dan both mention that collaboration with classmates is a wonderful tool for learning. I also believe that communication with classmates allows you to see their perspective on things.

Comment 4kids

I commented on Caitlyn's essay. Her essay is about how students need more time on projects. I commented that she provides reasons for this in every paragraph. I wrote that I agree with her.

1 comment:

  1. OMIGOODNESS! There are so few "Caitlyn"'s! I've only met one. Crazy.
    At first, I was a little opposed to the thought that Dan Brown doesn't like that teacher's are there to relay facts, but I guess I can see his point about collaboration now that you mention it.
