Sunday, April 25, 2010


Her PLE is way bigger than mine. She has her PLE arranged very nicely on her personal page. I really like how she uses a note taking program she found online. I like how she will post useful websites like the note taking site. Her PLE helps other people in gaining information.

Two Questions That Can Change Your Life

The questions that were ask were: What is my sentence and was I better today than yesterday? Both of these questions really made me think. I guess my sentence could be that I am striving to be the best that I can be. To answer the second question I am maturing and learning everyday. So I do feel I am better than yesterday.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Google Earth Project

The first place I go on the Google Earth is my high school. Then I take you to my house which didn't show up as clear as I had hoped. The last place is suppose to be the the University of Commons building of South Alabama. I'm not to good using Google Earth.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Teaching Someone How to Use Technology

I chose to teach someone how to create form. I give six basic steps that will help you complete a form.


I interviewed Mrs. Dana Sheffield who is a special ed. teacher at Washington County High School.

1. Do you feel that you are technological literate?
Answer: I think I'm moderately comfortable with technology. I'm not the most knowledgeable though.

2. How do you feel about incorporating technology to Special ed. students?
Answer: I use the test prep which is online. The ACT prep is another tool that I find to be very beneficial to my students. Letting them use Microsoft Word helps them with their grammar and sentence structure.

3. Do you think technology would be beneficial for your students?
Answer: Yes

4. Do you think our school systems should emphasize technology more in the classroom?
Answer: Yes, but our school doesn't provide the funding for technology. We are a lecture based style of teaching.

5. What do you think is most important about teaching?
Answer: You have to genuinely care for your students. You have to be willing to listen to your students to understand them.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Comment 4kids 14

I commented on Aidan's blog. I said I enjoyed reading about his time at camp.
April 18 blog Assignment

When I first entered this class, I had know idea that technology was such a great tool for learning. I have always been intimidated by a computer. Having to blog, make presentations, podcast and many more I have become much more comfortable on a computer. In the future, I most definitely will incorporate blogging in my classroom. Blogging allows students to express how they feel about a topic. It also will make them more confident on a computer and better writers. The most important factor of blogging is that the students can get feedback on their blogs around the world. Podcast is still something I'm trying to get the hang of, but I hope to use it in the classroom as well. Dr. Strange post his weekly wrap ups on itunes which is a big help in making sure I am staying on task. When I'm a teacher, I plan on posting short lectures which will be helpful to students that might miss a day.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Comment 4teachers 13-14

The first post I commented on was about desktop bookmarking. I commented it was really helpful information. I also gave left my blogspot and the course's blogspot.

The second post I commented on was the peek-a-boo post. It tells you how to look at whats in your documents without opening it. This tip will save you some time.

The third post I commented on was the PLN blog. I found this post to be helpful in getting more sites for my on PLN. I commented that the sites are really helpful and said thanks for posting them.
Comment 4 teachers 10-12

The first blog I commented on was about which president would I drink a cup of coffee with. I picked George Washington. I would ask him how he feels about the different political parties we have today. I would like to know how he feels about the Civil War during the late 1800s.

The second comment was on his post on how the celebrate Abraham Lincoln's birthday. I commented that I was also a big fan of Lincoln.

My Third Comment was on his slide show about a book club. I commented that it would be a great way for students to get involved. I also left my blogspot and the course's blogspot.

Dr. Seuss-The Zax

This video points out that change needs to happen in the classroom. Teachers need to face the facts that today's students require teachers to know more about technology. Teachers have to be willing to learn how to use it.

Ps 22

This kids are awesome. Their voices are beautiful. These kids obviously put a lot of effort in doing this song. This is Kaia's blog which was last weeks assignment. Her father posted the blog which got back many comments all over the world. That's what is so amazing about blogging. It gives you the opportunity to connect with people all over the world.

Comment 4kids

I commented on the Dinosaur Cloud post. It was a story about students going outside and imaging dinosaurs in the clouds. I commented it made me what to look up in the sky.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Comment 4kids 12

I commented on Paris's horse that she drew and listened to her video clip. I told her that she did an awesome job ,and I thought her drawing of the horse was beautiful.

Dear Kaia

This is a great blog. It made me want to go outside in the woods and just take a million pictures. Kaia took some beautiful pictures. The video was great in showing her pictures and explaining what the pictures are.

Kaia's father's blog

He explains how he was reading the book Last Child in the Woods. This book inspired him to take his daughter on an outdoor adventure. They both take their cameras and start taking pictures even though their surroundings aren't quite so beautiful. They take photos of things that may look ugly but can appear to be beautiful. He posted the pictures of their photos on Kaia's blog. Mr. Chamberlain's eight grade class left nice comments on her blog. Its amazing how people are connecting across the world.