Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I interviewed Mrs. Dana Sheffield who is a special ed. teacher at Washington County High School.

1. Do you feel that you are technological literate?
Answer: I think I'm moderately comfortable with technology. I'm not the most knowledgeable though.

2. How do you feel about incorporating technology to Special ed. students?
Answer: I use the test prep which is online. The ACT prep is another tool that I find to be very beneficial to my students. Letting them use Microsoft Word helps them with their grammar and sentence structure.

3. Do you think technology would be beneficial for your students?
Answer: Yes

4. Do you think our school systems should emphasize technology more in the classroom?
Answer: Yes, but our school doesn't provide the funding for technology. We are a lecture based style of teaching.

5. What do you think is most important about teaching?
Answer: You have to genuinely care for your students. You have to be willing to listen to your students to understand them.

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