Sunday, April 18, 2010

April 18 blog Assignment

When I first entered this class, I had know idea that technology was such a great tool for learning. I have always been intimidated by a computer. Having to blog, make presentations, podcast and many more I have become much more comfortable on a computer. In the future, I most definitely will incorporate blogging in my classroom. Blogging allows students to express how they feel about a topic. It also will make them more confident on a computer and better writers. The most important factor of blogging is that the students can get feedback on their blogs around the world. Podcast is still something I'm trying to get the hang of, but I hope to use it in the classroom as well. Dr. Strange post his weekly wrap ups on itunes which is a big help in making sure I am staying on task. When I'm a teacher, I plan on posting short lectures which will be helpful to students that might miss a day.


  1. Sounds like a great idea! I wish more of our teachers here at South would do that.

  2. I've always been a little scared of technology myself. I'm hoping to become more comfortable with it as time goes on. This class has definitely helped! Great post!

  3. Well, I've missed a few Wrap ups recently. There was nothing to say except Finish Your projects. I will have something to say about Foliotek this weekend.

    Glad you have become a blogger!
